An Introduction to Soulmates — Part 6

Hi, It’s Keiko.

This is the final article in a six part series of articles about soulmates.  In today’s article I will share with you how you can tell your soulmate apart from an imposter.  For those of you who have a partner and are not sure if he or she is the person of your destiny, you should definitely continue reading the rest of this article ♪


  1. Can you show your true colours around your partner?

  2. There are hints in the way that you meet

  3. Mysterious phenomena confirm whether your soulmate is the real deal

  4. In the end listen to your soul

Can you show your true colours around your partner?

First of all, your soulmate should provide you with a sense of security rather than a throbbing sensation in your heart. 

It’s not as if there shouldn’t be a sense of excitement when you are together, but rather you should feel a sense of security like a happy couple who has lived together for many years. 

It’s also very different from typical romances when you feel insecure when you are not around your partner.  That’s because unlike typical romances, which are relationships between two people, when it comes to a relationship between soulmates there is a strong connection between two souls.  

Because the connection which exists between soulmates surpasses that of typical romantic relationships you should find it very easy to be yourself in front of your soulmate.  If you feel like you have to strain yourself in order for things to go well in your relationship, then unfortunately your partner is unlikely to be your soulmate. 

If your partner is your soulmate, you are able to accept them for who they are regardless of their looks, or whether they are rich or poor.  You will still like your soulmate even if they aren’t very attractive and you would go to the end of the earth with them even if they didn’t have a cent to their name. 

There are hints in the way you meet

You should also pay attention to the feeling you get when you first meet.  Even though you are meeting each other for the first time, you should experience some sort of  nostalgic feeling.  

That’s because you have been together in a previous life.  It’s quite possible that from the get go you have a strange way of understanding each other even without using words to communicate. 

Many soulmates end up naturally dating each other without even professing a formal declaration of love.  And there is also absolutely no need for bargaining in a relationship with your soulmate.  

Surprisingly there are very few cases of love at first sight when it comes to soulmates.  That’s probably because you and your soulmate have met so many times in your past lives that at this stage you don’t experience a thrilling sensation at the first sight of each other.  

If that’s the case wouldn’t it be possible to walk right past your soulmate and miss them entirely?  Actually, the answer to that question is no.  Synchronization is very likely to occur between you and your soulmate because you regularly run into each other even though you have no intention of doing so.  That’s because the Universe is doing all it can to get the two of you together!  As a matter of fact many soulmates find out that they lived in the same town during their college years, or that they had many near-miss experiences earlier in their lives. 

Mysterious phenomena confirm whether your soulmate is the real deal

Also, when your soulmate is the real deal your family will end up backing you up.

Perhaps your family may be opposed at first because there is a big age gap between you, or for some other reason, but when you introduce your soulmate to your family, your family suddenly approves of your relationship.  If you really want to know if someone is your soulmate or not, then I recommend introducing him or her to your family. 

The reason why your family understands is because at some point your soulmate will become part of your family.  If he or she is your true soulmate, your family should be able to sense that he or she shares the same smell.

There are also many other criteria that can help you to determine whether or not your soulmate is the real deal or not.  

Imagine yourself with your soulmate in the future, and if scenes of happiness float in your head then he or she might be your real soulmate.  Images are messages from your subconscious. Your subconscious is like a storehouse of memories, and in addition to your memories from this life, it is said that your subconscious also houses memories from your previous lives and information about your future. 

Finally, if your partner truly is your soulmate the Universe will also support you too.  For example if you always seem to come across happy occasions or congratulatory events when you are together with your soulmate, this is very much a green light from the Universe. 

In the end listen to your soul

What about if the person you think is your soulmate is already married to someone else?  If their divorce is almost final, that’s one thing, but if you have been together for more than a year and they are still not divorced I would say that the chances are low. 

That’s because the Universe has been calculating about how to get the two of you together for a really long time, and it’s doubtful that the Universe would get you together if the timing weren’t right. 

Even in the event that your partner’s spouse won’t consent to a divorce I would say that it’s not meant to be.  That’s because when two people are together there is an ironclad rule that no one is left unhappy.   

The Universe doesn’t want anyone to be unhappy.  

Happy relationships will make those involved in the relationship and the people around them happy too. 

When you feel certain that dating your partner will result in the world expanding and the two of you living together happily then it is highly likely that your partner is the real deal. 

However, everyone has been given different themes to deal with in this life, so this doesn’t always apply equally to all couples.  In the end your intuition should be the deciding factor... You need to listen to your soul! 

And of course, just because someone is not your soulmate doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth spending time with.  All romantic relationships are meaningful.  

It quite often happens that your soulmate will appear after you have learned something from your current romantic partner, so even if your current partner does not feel like your true soulmate, it’s important continue dating them in good faith ♡

What did you think of this series of articles about soulmates?  

Over the course of the series we looked at the definition of soulmates, why meeting your soulmate is not an easy task, how to attract your soulmate, signs that inform you of your soulmates imminent arrival, and finally how to tell your soulmate from an imposter.  

I hope this series of articles has been helpful, and I wish you good fortune as you set out to attract your soulmate!