An Introduction to Soulmates — Part 5

Hi, It’s Keiko.

This is the fifth article in a series of six articles about soulmates.  In today’s article I’m going to tell you about signs that will let you know that your encounter with your soulmate is just around the corner ♪


  1. Signs appear before you encounter your soulmate!

  2. Shocking events are also signs

  3. Pay attention to symbols that catch your eye

  4. Your encounter is near when you notice the new you 

Signs appear before you encounter your soulmate!

In the previous article I told you about things that you can do by yourself to attract your soulmate.  If you follow my advice, your encounter with your soulmate may be much sooner than you think ♪

One other thing I should point out is that before you meet your soulmate there are certain signs that will appear. 

If you know what they are it’s much more exciting, so in this article I am going to share with you what signs you should keep an eye out for.  

Shocking events are also signs

First, things will break down.  For example your favorite articles or electronic devices. 

Meeting your soulmate is the start of a new life.  Wouldn’t you agree?

Our subconscious is actually very clever, and when it detects an encounter is imminent it tries to dispose of any old energy.  That’s because things that have been used for many years have absorbed to the fullest extent the energy of their owner. 

New beginnings are always accompanied by destruction or breakdowns.  Some other things that may occur are separation from someone close to you, and experiencing betrayal. 

This may be a bit shocking for you to hear, but it is actually a message from the Universe to cry until you have no tears left in your body and release all of the negative emotions like anger, sadness, and resentment that you have been holding in your heart. 

Of course, this doesn’t always happen, but if something shocking happens to you, think of it as a positive sign that an encounter with your soulmate is near. 

It helps when you think positively and convince yourself that something good is just around the corner ♪

Pay attention to symbols that catch your eye

After things break down or something shocking has happened to you, eventually days will come when things around you start to feel somewhat bright again. 

When that happens, happy news will start coming your way.  One after the other.  This is fanfare from the Universe letting you know that your encounter is near! 

It’s an announcement that you are ready for the next stage.  Starting to notice many couples in love is a surefire sign.  

And it is at this stage you will start to notice special symbols.  For example I have a friend who started noticing anchor symbols.  Like the anchors that are used on ships.  First she noticed an anchor sign, and then she received a t-shirt with an anchor printed on it. 

And believe it or not the soulmate who she met four months later was a nautical officer! 

Just be careful not to actively seek out symbols.  The key point is that they randomly catch your eye out of nowhere. 

Your encounter is near when you notice the new you

If you start to notice that the style of clothes you like has changed, it’s a sign of an imminent encounter. 

Your subconscious knows what your soulmate likes.  So if the clothes that you intuitively choose are different from what you have always chosen, it may be a sign. 

Also, if you find that you start hanging out with people who are totally different from people you hung out with in the past, there is a high possibility that someone in this new group is your soulmate. 

Your clothes change and the people you hang out with change, and before you know it you are surrounded by numerous possible romantic interests.  

Maybe you find that every time you get on a train or a plane the person sitting next to you is a potential partner... 

This is actually a sign that your vibration has changed. It’s proof that your energy to attract a partner has become stronger.  

When it comes to this point, you need to be careful because pseudo-soulmates have a tendency to appear. 

Quite often what happens is that people end up meeting an imposter before they meet their actual soulmate.  If you feel a jibe with someone, then go ahead and become friends with them, because it never hurts to have too many friends. 

In the next article, which is the final article in this series, I am going to share with you how to tell the difference between an imposter and the real deal, so please be sure to read the final article about telling apart your soulmate.