Food and Dieting in the Air Era

Food and Dieting in the Air Era

Food and Dieting in the Air Era

Hi, it’s Keiko. 

In December the Earth Era is coming to an end, and we will witness the start of the Air Era, which will continue for the next two centuries. 

In today’s article I will tell you about some foods and a dieting method to boost your fortune in the Air Era. 


  1. Firming up your Self-axis 

  2. Recommended Foods for the Air Era

  3. A Dieting Method for the Air Era

Firming up your Self-axis 

In the Air Era it will be important to firm up your self-axis and to practice ‘grounding’ as a method of reconnecting yourself to the Earth.  

You may think that firming up your self-axis refers to simply strengthening your mental state, but in reality it applies to your body too.  When it comes to attracting fortune in the Air Era, healthy living will be of the utmost importance.  Just like the famous expression ‘you are what you eat’ our bodies are made up of what we eat and drink, so with that in mind I’d like you to start fixating on the type of food you eat. 

As working from home becomes more mainstream, people will be moving around less and less, and that will lead to insufficient exercise.  Of course it would be wonderful if everyone took up yoga and exercised more, but considering the fact that good health also comes from eating good food, I’d also like to remind everyone to be conscious of eating healthy meals. 

Recommended Foods for the Air Era

When it comes to healthy eating in the Air Era, my first suggestion is to eat sour or acidic tasting foods.  In addition, I also recommend taking supplements and eating functional foods. 

Ideally I would hope you get your nutrients from natural food, but if that proves to be difficult, then actively taking supplements is an option you shouldn’t overlook.  

When I say sour or acidic foods the first food that comes to mind might be lemons, but vinegar is another excellent option.  There are many types to choose from such as rice vinegar, or apple-cider vinegar, but it could be any type of vinegar, so long as it is acidic.  

Have you ever heard about drinkable vinegar?  There are many types of drinkable vinegar that are excellent for your health.  In Japan, I am now promoting a new product called Ritual Vinegar, because vinegar is considered a power food for the Air Era.  There is New Moon Vinegar for New Moon days, and Full Moon Vinegar for Full Moon days.  Just by drinking the right vinegar at the right time you can incorporate air energy into your body, and align yourself with the rhythm of the Universe. 

Vinegar is said to have many beneficial properties.  For instance, citric acid helps with recovery from fatigue, as well as reducing visceral fat, and alleviating sharp rises in blood pressure. 

In addition to fruit Ritual Vinegar also contains herb extracts which not only enhance the taste but also help make your body healthy and beautiful from the inside.  In fact, there are many types of drinkable fruit vinegars, but not so many that also contain several types of herbs as well.  

The energy for two weeks after the New Moon is different from the energy for two weeks after the Full Moon, so drinking the right vinegar at the right time is the key to getting the right energy boost. 

A Dieting Method for the Air Era

How will eating habits change in the Air Era?  While I can’t say for certain due to all the different body types that exist, I do think that eating light meals is going to become more mainstream.  If someone were to ask me what is the best way to eat during the Air Era, I would say having light meals but increasing the number of times you eat will be the secret to success. 

The Air Era is by no means the age of gluttony.  Gluttony was more of a thing in the Earth Air.  So does that mean the Air Era will be an era of dieting?  That’s hard to say… But if I were asked to recommend a dieting method for the Air Era I would have to say that I strongly suggest including acidic foods in your diet, like vinegar or lemons like I mentioned earlier. 

When you eat sour foods your body and your feelings become refreshed, and you are less likely to overeat or drink excessively. 

Another thing is that Aquarius, which is an Air sign, governs apples, so apple diets might become popular again.  And maybe even lemon diets.  

Either way, eating plenty of fresh fruit is a good idea, especially citric fruits. 

Your body and your mind are connected, and when it comes to Moon Wellness, having a healthy diet is extremely important.  As we enter the Air Era be sure to eat many tasty foods, and take supplements when necessary, so as to create a healthy body and attract good fortune!