What is the Air Era, the Upcoming New Era? Part 2

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Hi, it’s Keiko. 

This is the second article in a three part series. In the first article I explained what a Great Conjunction is, and revealed the reason why we will be entering the Air Era on December 19th 2020.  This new era will continue for the approximately 200 years, so in this post I will tell you all about what the Air Era will be like, and what changes we should expect.  


  1. What will change in the Air Era?

  2. The Air Era is an ‘Era of vibration’!

  3. Will romantic encounters also change?

  4. The prologue of the Air Era has already begun!

At the end of my last post I mentioned that with the arrival of Air energy we can expect some big changes to take place in society.  In fact, I personally began to feel minor energy changes around last year.  Lately I have been using Zoom for work, and nowadays online exchanges are becoming commonplace.  Actually, ‘online’ is one of the keywords of the Air Era. 

Another thing I have noticed is that more people are becoming less attached to money and material things.  For example, a friend of mine who runs a company recently told his employees that if they worked harder he would increase their salary.  But the employees responded that they would much rather have more free time than a raise.  This is very much a trend of what is to come in the Air Era. 

In the Air Era information and personal connections will be valued more highly than money and material things.  Things that were considered obvious are on the verge of changing dramatically.  In other words, a paradigm shift is about to take place.  

More concretely speaking, even more things will go online.  For example things that we would never have thought about doing online may be done online in the future.  Maybe you have recently participated in an online drinking party, or listened to an online concert?  It’s quite possible that going to school will no longer be necessary.  And even entrance exams and final exams may be conducted online.  

Going to work in an office may also become a thing of the past, and many offices will become useless.  Because there won’t be a need to for people to work in big urban centers like Tokyo or New York, moving to rural areas and globalism will likely advance too. 

I think the standard of what constitutes wealth will also change.  Up until now during the Earth Era money and material things were considered benchmarks of wealth, but in the Air Era the standard will shift to how much useful information do you possess, or how many good personal connections do you have?  

The Air Era is an ‘Era of Vibration’! 

So how do you go about obtaining high quality information and personal connections?   

The answer is through vibration; personal vibration!  

Vibrations are the energy emitted by all tangible and intangible objects.   Each person’s unique personal vibration is what attracts information and personal connections to them.  So in the Air Era, the type of vibration that you possess is what will differentiate you from other people.  That’s why the upcoming era could also be called an ‘Era of Vibration’. 

So from now on you need to be mindful of your personal vibration. 

A couple of ways you can do this are to start eating high quality foods, or surrounding yourself with high quality items.  I don’t mean you have to be extravagant, but it is important to live surrounded by good vibrations.  

In addition, 

  • thinking positively 

  • refraining from using bad language, and expressing love and gratitude 

are also very important.   

That’s because thoughts and language are also vibrations.  You should also be careful about the words and phrases you use on social media. 

Will romantic encounters also change? 

What about romantic encounters?  Well, these too will be more likely to take place online.  However, as people start placing less importance on money and material things they will be less likely to choose a partner based on visible standards such as how much money does he or she make, or how tall are they. 

As such, more emphasis will be placed on feelings, such as whether or not you feel comfortable talking with someone, and what their values are about important subjects.   These things are very much vibration related. 

Next year is the Aquarius Great Conjunction and because Aquarius is a sign which does not distinguish between male and female, human power will be key. 

Anyways, in the Air Era more emphasis will be placed on things that can’t be seen.  So in addition to vibrations, communication skills, knowledge, and experiences will be important. 

The Prologue of the Air Era Has already begun!

There isn’t much time to remain idle.  That’s because the prologue of the Air Era has already started.  As a matter of fact, Saturn, which was in Capricorn, temporarily moved into Aquarius on March 22nd, and stayed there until July 1st.  This three month period was actually a message from the Universe telling us to get ready for the upcoming Aquarius GC period.    

So what should we be doing to get ready for the Air Era?  Fortunately the steps you need to take are all things that you can easily incorporate in your daily life, and I will tell you all about them in my next post. 

To summarize today’s post, in the Air Era, more emphasis will be placed on things which can not be seen such as information, communication, and personal connections. And most importantly of all, vibration.  

Raising your personal vibration is the key to attracting good fortune and opportunities, and living a happy life. 

In the final post of this three part series I will give you some concrete tips about how to raise your personal vibration, and how to get ready for the arrival of the Air Era, so please be sure to read my next post too.