An Introduction to Soulmates - Part 2

Hi, it’s Keiko.  

This is the second article in a series of six articles about Soulmates.  In Part One I explained what soulmates are, and in today’s article I am going to explain why meeting your soulmate is not an easy task. 


  1. Common traits of people who haven’t met their soulmate

  2. Type 1 - People who lack self-confidence

  3. Type 2 - People who have a lack of energy or motivation

  4. Type 3 - People who lack or have a warped sense of self-awareness

  5. Type 4 - People who adhere to false love

Common traits of people who haven’t met their soulmate

In the previous article I assured you that there is a soulmate for everyone, but I also pointed out that meeting your soulmate is not an easy task.  Think about it for a minute.  What would you do if your soulmate suddenly appeared tomorrow?  You might think, tomorrow?  I need to lose some weight first, and my heart isn’t ready to meet my soulmate yet.   That tends to be the case with most people who haven’t met their soulmate -- they just aren’t prepared to meet their soulmate yet.  On the other hand, when you are ready, your soulmate will naturally appear. 

In addition to lack of preparation there is another common trait of people who haven’t met their soulmate yet.  That is they are not living their lives being true to themselves.  They all have some sort of ‘shackle’ that is impeding them, and as a result it is hindering their ability to meet their soulmate.   

Broadly speaking there are four main types of people. 

Type 1 — People who lack self-confidence 

The first type of people are those who are hindered by a lack of self-confidence.  Some possible reasons for this might be that they recently had to deal with a difficult breakup, or that they lost confidence in dating because they never seem to be able to fall in love.  

However, that simply means that the right person hasn’t come around yet.  Another way of putting it is that the Universe just dismissed candidates that were unworthy of being their soulmate.  There is no need for people to lose confidence over something like this. 

When it comes to your soulmate you should never compare them to others.  For example, you shouldn’t say I want a soulmate who is better than someone else.  Instead you should focus on the absolute and say my soulmate has to be this person!

People who belong to type one should first of all ditch any partners who don’t recognize their value, and focus on building up their self-confidence by improving things they like about themselves and things they are good at.

Type 2 — People who have a lack of energy or motivation 

These are the type of people who are bored doing the same thing day after day and want their soulmate to make them happy. This isn’t good at all.  Meeting your soulmate should be seen as an extension of change.  

If you are unhappy with your current way of life, then first and foremost you need to change your lifestyle so that you make yourself happy.  It’s not that your soulmate brings you happiness, but rather that you attract your soulmate because you are happy.   It’s your responsibility to make yourself happy.  If you are unable to find enjoyment in your job, then find a way to enrich your life after work or challenge yourself to do something new that interests you. 

Once your energy gets rolling again, you will find that various changes start to happen, and after the change occurs your soulmate will be waiting for you.

Type 3 — People who lack or have a warped sense of self-awareness 

People who meet up with others but can’t seem to find someone who jibes with them, are most likely to fit into this type.  

The reason why you never meet someone who you jibe with is because your personality and behaviour are in a state of mismatch.  For example, perhaps you really love your job but you say you would be content as a homemaker.  

You aren’t letting the real you shine because you are placing too much emphasis on common practices, and the values of your close friends and others. 

Your soulmate is attracted to your intrinsic charm, so trying to be someone who you really aren’t is not the way to go about meeting your soulmate. 

My advice for these people is to start by reconsidering your real self.  The more you are able to live your life being true to your real self the sooner your soulmate will appear.

Type 4 — People who adhere to false love

People who belong to this type are those who end up adhering to relationships that are not going well, or slip gradually into having affairs, or are unable to abandon fatal attachments.  Still others may not be able to forget their previous partner. 

These people know that they won’t be able to meet their soulmate until they terminate their current relationship, but they stay together for pity sake. 

Of course it is not a crime to date someone other than your soulmate, but it needs to be with someone who does not suck up all your energy. 

When you have low energy you are unable to meet your soulmate.  And for the most part, bad relationships end up taking away energy. 

If that’s the situation you find yourself in, you need to set yourself free as soon as possible.  If your cup isn’t empty there will be no room for any new water ☆

If you feel like you belong to any of the above four types, I hope that reading this article has helped you to understand why you have been unable to attract your soulmate.  

Now that a glimmer of hope is on the horizon, you can start being mindful of the steps you need to take in order to attract your soulmate ♪ 

Please be sure to read the next article in this series as I will give you some concrete examples about how to go about meeting your soulmate.