Full Moon in Aries - Advance to the next stage of your life! Write down the changes you notice between who you are now and who you were six months ago!

Hi, it’s Keiko. 

Last weekend, Saturn, the planet which brings order and stability, returned to its forward moving motion.  And on October 18th, the lucky planet Jupiter will start moving forward again too!


By the time the Full Moon in Aries comes around on October 20th, Mercury retrograde will also be over, which means that this is the perfect time to start making preparations for the second half of 2021!  

How have things with you been lately?  

Saturn recently made a move, so there’s a strong possibility that you’ve also witnessed some movement in your life, either at work or privately. 

Perhaps a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders, or the pressure of something has been relieved, or an obstacle has been removed from your path…  

Or maybe you’ve achieved something, seen some concrete results, or found it easier to do something…

In the midst of these favorable winds, be sure to focus the spotlight on yourself during the upcoming Full Moon in Aries.  

This is a turning point for 2021, so it’s a good idea to take stock of what you’re planning to do, what you’re going to withdraw from, and what you’d like to intensify. 

Let me remind you of the six-month rule for Power Wishes.  This is the standard period of time for Power Wishes to come true.  Has your Power Wish come perfectly true?  Are you moving in the right direction?  Or has there been absolutely no movement at all? 

Aries is a sign that strengthens you, so it’s a very important Full Moon.  It reminds us about the choices we need to make and provides us with hints about how to steer our lives in the right direction. 

Now’s the time to take stock of your current wishes and determine the kind of life you want for yourself.  

By doing that at this point in time, the next stage will naturally come into view. 

On the occasion of this Full Moon, the big three planets, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, will all be moving in forward motion, and the lucky planet Jupiter will be amplifying the power of the Full Moon. 

Be sure to take advantage of this favorable tailwind, and get ready for the second half of the year!

As you prepare to write your Power Wishes for the Full Moon in Aries, here are three questions the Universe is asking you… 

  1. What changes do you notice in yourself now compared to six months ago?

  2. Who is the person you want to share the next stage of your life with?

  3. What is the next stage of your life that you want to face with determination? 

Were you able to answer these three questions without hesitation? 

If you had trouble answering any of them, I suggest that you recite the following example of an Aries Full Moon Power Wish out loud. 

I received infinite amounts of courage and energy.  Now I am motivated 120%!  Thank you so much.

I also recommend that you transcribe this Power Wish into your Power Wish Notebook. 

The major theme of this Full Moon in Aries is, “Letting go of your old self and moving on to the next stage!”

The Full Moon in Aries will take place on October 20th at 10:56am EST.  I strongly encourage you to write your Power Wishes within ten hours of this time.  And if that’s not possible within 24 hours of this time.  

On that note, please be sure to take full advantage of the power of this Aries Full Moon to advance to the next stage of your life!