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A great change has begun! [Part 2] - Learn how to live effortlessly and attract happiness in the Air Era!

Hi, it’s Keiko.  

As I mentioned in the previous article in this series, the Air Era is going to have its own rules and values, so we need to attune ourselves to the times.  This is the providence of the Universe, and since we are all members of the Universe, we need to accept this providence and reprogram ourselves to match the style of the Air Era.

In today’s article let’s compare the differences between the Earth Era and the Air Era, and understand how changing your mindset and your decision making criteria will bring you increased fortune and happiness. 

Without further to do, let’s get started! 


  1. Earning Money

  2. Way of Life

  3. Home Ownership

  4. Work Styles

  5. Sharing Information

  6. Choosing People

  7. Romantic Encounters

  8. Romantic Relationships

  9. Conclusion


Earning Money

Earth Era Money as currency

Air Era Knowledge as currency

Intangible “knowledge and information” will be a symbol of wealth

In the Earth Era, value was placed in land and money.  Having a lot of money, being able to buy luxury goods, and being able to live a luxurious lifestyle was the criteria for being wealthy.  As such, when choosing a job, most people based their decision on the amount of compensation they would receive.  However, in the Air Era, people are going to place more value on “being free to live their lives without being bound by land and money,” and intangible things such as knowledge and wisdom will eventually replace money.  For the time being, money is still a necessity, but its value and significance is going to gradually change.  What’s more, we are now in an age where knowledge and information will become money.  On that note, in the Air Era, you should base your decisions on whether or not your interests are met, and whether or not you can pour your passion into something.  It’s a law of the Universe that when you share something, more than what you shared will come back to you, so you should make a conscious effort to share the knowledge that you obtain through studying and the wisdom and information that you gain from your personal experiences.  When you share your knowledge on social media, other people will comment on your posts, which will lead to new discoveries and create a virtuous cycle. 

Way of Life

Earth Era Dependence on others

Air Era Independence

Refrain from asking others to do something for you.

Create your own life with your own hands!

In the Earth Era, it was quite common for people to rely on others to take financial care of them.  However, in the Air Era, being financially dependent on others is not recommended.  The Air Era is an age where teamwork comes into play, but in order for that to happen, a prerequisite is that each of us is independent.  Trust and dependence are two different things.  Instead of relying on someone else to make you happy, become the type of person who can create happiness with your own hands.  This is true for both married couples and partnerships.  If one of you becomes dependent on the other, whether financially or emotionally, the balance of power will be upset and your relationship will be in jeopardy.  Also, in the Air Era, the phrase “worrying about the opinions of others” is going to become obsolete.  In the Air Era, where individuality and individual thinking are respected, values will become diversified and sensibilities will differ from person to person.  This is due to the fact that there will be no common understanding between people.   

Home Ownership

Earth Era Settling down in one place

Air Era Moving around

Keep yourself free of physical ties so that you can move wherever you want.

It used to be the norm that most people commuted from their home to their place of work everyday, but due to the pandemic many companies made changes to this workstyle last year.  This would have been inconceivable had the Covid-19 not occurred, but this workstyle is actually going to be the default in the Air Era.  If you don’t have to commute to an office everyday, you won’t have to decide where to live based on the location of your company.  When that becomes the case, what criteria will you use to decide where to live?  The cost of rent, the environment, your hobbies… These are just a few of different factors you can use to base your decision upon.  You could choose to live a relaxed life in the countryside where you don’t have to pay expensive rent, or if your hobby is surfing, you could choose to live near the ocean.  Some people may decide to live in motorhomes, and move around from place to place from season to season.  The meaning of owning a house itself will change when you have this kind of freedom in your lifestyle.  As such, in the Air Era more and more people are going to choose not to own their own house.  

Work Styles 

Earth Era Lifelong employment

Air Era Side jobs

Look for hints in the things you do everyday.  Casualness is the key to success.

Of course, specialization in the pursuit of a single job is still going to be necessary in the Air Era.  However, you should also enjoy working on the side.  In the Earth Era, people who concentrated on one specific area and were successful at it were highly regarded.  The accumulation of skills and experiences was held in high-esteem, and one of the key features of the Earth Era was the concept of “seniority.”  However, in the Air Era variety and diversity will be considered more important.  This is not to say that you don’t need to hone your expertise.  If you keep challenging yourself in what you are good at, you will naturally improve your expertise.  However, what it does mean is that you shouldn’t allow your field of vision to become too narrow.  You need to be a professional in your field, while at the same time have the flexibility to do different things too.  Also, you don’t need to be a professional to start up a side hustle or develop multiple sources of income.  For example, if part of your daily routine includes coming up with side dishes that can be made in five minutes, then you should think about how you could turn those simple recipes into a source of income.  Fortunately, there are numerous hints that can be found in your daily routine.  Just be sure to try everything you are interested in trying.  I have never met a person who has only one talent or only one thing to do. 

Sharing Information 

Earth Era Doing things alone 

Air Era Collaborating with others

If you can imagine everyone being happy together you can definitely make it happen! 

One of the best ways to take advantage of the Air Era will be to work in groups and collaborate.  Viruses, which can be considered a symbol of Air energy, are known for “increasing their number of friends” and then expanding like amoeba.  From a human perspective, “increasing their number of friends” actually refers to “infecting” us, but it’s precisely in this way that viruses attract attention and expand their power.  In the Air Era it will be important to do your own research and learn about the things you like and are interested in, and create a few things that you can say, “I like this” or “this is my hobby,” but you shouldn’t try to keep information a secret.  In the Earth Era, it was a common practice to hide information that was considered valuable.  You may have thought to yourself, “I will keep this information to myself,” or “I won’t introduce this friend to anyone.”  However, when we accumulate information in the Air Era, people are not going to flock to us and say “tell me, tell me!” like they did in the Earth Era.  On the contrary, the more proactive you are at disclosing the information you acquire, the more people and information will come to you.  Also, if you are worried about starting something on your own, choose to work as a team with like-minded people.  The rewards you gain will double your happiness. 

Choosing people

Earth Era Social background 

Air Era Feelings

All you need when choosing any person is a pure feeling like when you were a student.

In the Earth Era, what was considered “top grade” was almost always predetermined.  The same was true with regards to people.  Ivy League schools, prestigious companies, status, wealth, and family background, were all factors that were highly evaluated by everyone.  In a sense, it was the age of brands.  However, in the Air Era everything is becoming more diversified, which means that education, workstyles, rules, and even common sense are changing.  There will be no such thing as a common understanding of what is considered “top grade.”  Since each person will place different emphasis on different things, there will be no need to compete with others, and there will be no need to choose a partner based on appearance or public image.  Instead, what will become more important is whether or not your feelings match.  In the Air Era, your ideal partner won’t be someone who has favourable qualifications but rather someone who makes you feel happy.  The same is true for friends, business teams, men and women.  What you need is not someone who has “good qualifications,” but rather someone with whom “the feeling is right.”  You will be much happier if you choose someone who you feel comfortable sharing the same space with.  

Romantic Encounters 

Earth Era Introduced by others

Air Era Meet using apps or social media

Keeping up appearances will be meaningless in the Air Era.

Make use the most up-to-date apps 

The trend toward the liberalization of partnerships is going to continue in the future.  In the Earth Era, the main way to meet friends and romantic partners was through friends and acquaintances.  Many years ago there were chaperones who would accompany you on a date, and arranged marriages were also common.  In any case, people connected people.  In the Air Era, this is going to be replaced by the internet.  In many countries, dating apps are already quite common, and there are also apps for recruiting business associates, and making friends with similar interests.  There’s no doubt that dating will continue to evolve online.  If you are looking to meet the person of your dreams, you can’t afford not to take advantage of online dating as an efficient way of meeting your ideal romantic partner. 

Romantic Relationships 

Earth Era Commit to one person

Air Era Liberal relationships 

It’s time to abandon conventional wisdom.

Liberal relationships without boundaries will become mainstream.

Our ideas about what marriage is and what a couple should be will soon disappear.  In fact, these images will probably collapse rather quickly.  For example, it will no longer be uncommon for couples to live apart from each other, such as one of them living in New York, while the other lives in Tokyo, and they only meet once per year.  Nowadays, people still ask questions such as, “Now that you’re married why aren’t you living together?”  But in the Air Era, the form of marriage will change so much that such questions will sound foolish.  The number of people who do not get married will increase, and the concept of marriage will change to such an extent that rather than staying with the same person for one’s entire life, it may become the norm to change the partner one lives with depending on the situation or circumstances.  One of the advantages of the Air Era will be the ability to move around freely, and not be bound to the land, and this trend will also have an effect on romantic partnerships.  For example someone may have a partner in New York, a different partner in Los Angeles, and another partner in London.  In the Earth Era, this may have been judged as morally wrong behavior, but in the Air Era, common sense will change along with the times.  The wave of gender neutrality that began during the final years of the Earth Era, is gaining momentum, and we should expect that same-sex marriage will become legal in many more countries.  Furthermore, the third gender will become more and more accepted throughout the world too. 


Eras take place over long periods of time, so therefore it is physically impossible to suddenly switch from one era to another overnight.  In fact, it usually takes a few decades to make a complete change from one era to the next.  However, because things will unfold quickly in the Air Era, it’s quite possible that it may not take that long this time around.  Be sure to keep in mind that from now on you’ll be much closer to happiness if you live by a different set of values than you did before.  This is the most important thing to understand about the new era.  

That concludes today’s article. In the next article in this series I will share with you four keywords to boost your fortune and happiness in the Air Era.  Don’t miss it!